Anxiety can be such a moment killer. It can become very overwhelming to those affected to the point where they start questioning their sanity. In other words, they may start thinking that they are crazy or they are going crazy.
But are they
In an article published by Our World in Data, it was revealed that in 2018, anxiety disorder affected 264 million people worldwide. Furthermore, The Anxiety & Depression Association of America highlighted that 6.8 million adults are affected by anxiety disorder with women being the most affected.
Quite alarming, right?
It definitely is! If you have anxiety, you may breathe a sigh of relief after reading this article, knowing that you are not a loner.Now that we have zoomed in on the stats, let’s define anxiety and crazy.
What is Anxiety?
NHS defines anxiety as a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that canbe mild or severe. Individuals with anxiety may display signs such as excessive fear that is persistent, trembling, feeling nervous, a restless mood, and an increase in heart rate, among others.
Who is a crazy person though?
You have probably realized that the word crazy has been loosely used by several people you come in contact with. Someone may refer to a person who has never had a mental situation as crazy because the individual did something that they did not approve of.
What Does Crazy Mean?
We certainly will not take Google’s assistant word for it! According to Psychology Today, crazy is defined as “being mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way. ”Now, did you solve the puzzle? If not, let’s do it together. Millions of people around the globe suffer from anxiety and the number has increased since the pandemic. Would that mean millions of people are crazy? Certainly not! A crazy person is not in touch with reality. They may not be able to make rational decisions. While experiencing an anxiety attack, you may become fearful, nervous, etc., but you are still in control of your mind and emotions though they feel like they are all over the place. A crazy person does not have that level of control. Crazy and anxiety have two different definitions; therefore, one should not confuse the terms. You may have pounced upon a family member or two who have displayed aggressive behavior but were they crazy? So, having an anxiety disorder doesn’t mean that you are crazy. To sum it all up, Gerald Goodman, a professor of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) said it best, “Believing that you are going crazy is a good clue that you are sane
Millennials Definition If you are up to par with most of the millennial terms, you may know that being crazy means something totally different from what was discussed earlier. If you are a risk-taker and love to have fun, you may be referred to as being a little crazy. A person who jokes around a lot may also be called crazy. Here’s another one. If you are head over heels for something, you may call yourself crazy. For example, “I am crazy over those shoes”.Yep! That’s crazy! Anywho…Now that we have humidified and cleared the air, it’s time to lighten the room. If you are struggling with anxiety, boo, it’s ok. We all have our anxious moments, some of us a little more than others; but hey, it has nothing on us! Hop over to our mental health fashion house for your “My Anxiety is Not Incompetence” sweatshirt and give yourself and others struggling with anxiety a motivational boost. You will thank us later.